Parent Update | 10th May 2024

Horsmonden Parent Update

Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who attended the Magic Show last week. It was a fun evening, complete with lots of laughter and audience participation. A highlight for me was seeing the two parent ‘volunteers’ having their stress washed away! The FoHPS Team did an amazing job of organising the event and raised over £800! For pictures of the event, please take a look at our Facebook Page.

FoHPS Summer Fair – Saturday 8th June, 12pm – 4pm

With only a month to go before the Summer Fair, please see below for some important information:

  • Hamper Items/Bottles/Sweets – thank you for your generosity in donating these items. We have a fantastic selection now, so no more is needed, thank you.
  • Silent Auction – FoHPS Silent Auction will be going live on 23rd May, keep an eye out for updates on FoHPS Facebook and WhatsApp groups, we have lots of exciting lots including Arsenal tickets, Balfour Winery tour, entertainment package from Once Upon a Wish and ‘lots’ more! Money raised from the Silent Auction will go towards the next big FoHPS project – an outdoor classroom/stage area, so please bid generously!
  • Helpers – there is still time to offer your help on the day of the Summer Fair. Please consider volunteering to help the event run as smoothly as possible. We still need helpers to set up, run stalls and pack away. If you are able to help, please let a member of the FoHPS team know, or email
  • Tug of War – Are you ready to show your strength and compete in the FoHPS Tug of War Competition at the Summer Fair? There are a limited number of places, so please enter your team in soon to avoid disappointment.

After School Club Contact Information

For any parents using After School Club who need to contact Mrs Tuck in an emergency, please use the following email address:

Football Five Star Half Term Holiday Course

Jim Bodle, parent and Football Five Star Coach, will be running another Holiday Course over the May Half Term. Courses feature a combination of technical training, competitions and tournaments with medals to be won.

28th – 29th May
10:00am – 3:30pm (9:45am drop-off)

30th – 31st May
10:00am – 3:30pm (9:45am drop-off)

2 days £40
1 day £22
(Sibling and members discount of 10%)
AGE 5-12
8:30am drop-off is available for an additional £3

To book a place, please use this link.

Academy Name Change – Uniform

I’m sure you will remember me writing to parents in February to inform you that from September we will be known as Leigh Academy Horsmonden, not Horsmonden Primary Academy. Please see a reminder attached here.

All existing and pre-loved uniforms can continue to be worn next year but for anyone wishing to purchase a new uniform for the new year, orders placed with Brigade from 1st June will be embroidered with the new name. The deadline for ordering uniforms to be delivered to parents before the start of the new school year is 2nd August.

I hope you all enjoy the glorious weather this weekend!

Kind Regards,

Hayley Sharp

2023-24 Diary Dates

Term 5

  • Friday 10th May – Year 5 and 6 Boys and Girls Football Matches at Paddock Wood
  • Monday 13th May – Year 6 SATs Week, Year 6 can come to school from 8:30am for breakfast
  • Wednesday 15th May – EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 Author Workshop – Alex Brooks
  • Tuesday 21st May – Year 3 Boys Football Match at Brenchley and Matfield
  • Tuesday 21st May – EYFS Hearing and Vision Screening organised by the NHS
  • Friday 24th May – Year 3 Egyptian Museum, details to follow on Google Classroom
  • Friday 24th May – Year 3 and 4 Cricket Tournament, selected children
  • Friday 24th May – End of Term 5

Term 6

  • Monday 3rd June – Start of Term 6
  • Tuesday 4th June – Year 6 Boys Football Match at Brenchley and Matfield
  • Saturday 8th June – FoHPS Summer Fair, 12pm – 4pm
  • Friday 14th June – Marvellous Males Afternoon, drop-in between 2:00pm and 3:00pm
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st June – Year 6 Residential to PGL Windmill Hill
  • Tuesday 25th June – Year 6 Girls Football Match
  • Friday 28th June – Hotshotz Tennis Workshops
  • Monday 1st July – KS2 Sports Morning, 10:30am (parents are welcome to stay for a picnic lunch)
  • Monday 1st July – EYFS and KS1 Sports Afternoon, 1:30pm
  • Tuesday 2nd July – Year 4 Boys Football Match at Brenchley and Matfield
  • Monday 8th July – LAT Sports Day, selected KS2 children
  • Wednesday 10th July – LAT Cricket Festival, selected KS2 children
  • Thursday 11th July – End of Year Reports issued to Parents
  • Thursday 11th July – FoHPS Summer Disco, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
  • Monday 15th July, 3:15pm to 5pm – Optional End of Year Parent Consultations, EOY Report Discussion
  • Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production, 2pm and 5:30pm
  • Friday 19th July, 2pm – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
  • Friday 19th July – End of Term 6